hell were you thinking — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «hell were you thinking»

hell were you thinkingты думал

What the hell were you thinking, throwing around my money like that?
О чем ты думал, разбрасываясь моими деньгами? Это в мои планы не входило!
Kelso, what the hell are you thinking?
Келсо, о чём, черт побери, ты думал?
What the hell were you thinking?
О чем, черт возьми, ты думал?
What in the hell were you thinking?
О чем, черт побери, ты думал?
What the hell were you thinking?
О чём, чёрт возьми, ты думал?
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hell were you thinkingо чём ты вообще думал

— What the hell are you thinking?
О чём ты вообще думал?
What the hell are you thinking? !
Да о чём ты вообще думал?
Roger, what the hell were you thinking?
Роджер, о чём ты вообще думал?
What the hell were you thinking?
О чем ты вообще думал?
What the hell were you thinking?
О чём ты вообще думал?
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hell were you thinkingчёрт возьми

— What the hell were you thinking?
— О чём ты, чёрт возьми, думала?
What the hell was I thinking?
О чем я, черт возьми, думал?
What the hell was I thinking?
О чём я думал, чёрт возьми?
What the hell were you thinking ?
О чем ты думал, черт возьми?
What the hell were you thinking?
О чем вы думали, чёрт возьми?
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hell were you thinkingместом ты думал

What the hell were you thinking?
Так каким местом ты думал?
What the hell were you thinking, going to the police?
Каким местом ты думал, когда пошёл в полицию?
What the hell were you thinking, Frank?
Каким местом ты думал, Фрэнк?
What the hell are you thinking?
Каким местом ты думал?
What the hell were you thinking, Roger even to consider authorizing this Powell to conduct human trials?
Каким местом ты думал, Роджер, разрешая этому Пауэллу испытания на людях?
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hell were you thinkingкакого чёрта ты думал

What the hell were you thinking?
Какого черта ты думала? !
What the hell were you thinking?
Какого черта ты думала?
What the hell were you thinking, sneaking off like that?
Какого чёрта ты думала, когда улизнула отсюда?
What the hell were you thinking!
Какого черта ты думал!
What the hell were you thinking?
Какого черта ты думал?
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hell were you thinkingты чёрт возьми думала

What the hell were you thinking, letting her go in there in the first place? !
А о чем вообще ты черт возьми думал, когда позволил ей туда зайти?
What the hell were you thinking?
О чем ты черт возьми думал?
So what the hell were you thinking?
Так о чём ты чёрт возьми думал?
Jackie, what the hell were you thinking?
Джеки, о чем ты черт возьми думала?
Yeah, what the hell were you thinking?
Да, о чем ты черт возьми думала?
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hell were you thinkingчёрт побери

— What the hell were you thinking?
— О чем вы, черт побери, думали?
What the hell are you thinking?
О чём вы, чёрт побери, думали?
What the hell were you thinking?
О чем ты,чёрт побери,думал?
What the hell were you thinking?
О чем ты, черт побери, думал? Эй.
What the hell were you thinking?
О чем вы, черт побери, думали?
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