took them off — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «took them off»

took them offсними

Take it off for me.
You take it off immediately.
И сними немедленно. Понял?
Take them off if they bother you.
Сними, если жмут.
I said take it off!
Сними, я сказал!
Take it off, please.
Сними, пожалуйста.
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took them offснимай

Take it off!
Ну, снимай.
Yeah, take it off, Dragline.
Да, снимай, Дрэглайн.
Yeah, Dragline, take it off there.
Можно, Дрэглайн, снимай.
Take them off!
No, take it off.
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took them offзабрать её

I'm going to take her off your hands.
Я собираюсь забрать ее у тебя.
— You're gonna take her off my hands?
— Вы собираетесь забрать ее у меня?
We'd take them off your hands.
Мы бы забрали их. Бесплатно.
Did you take her off the island?
Ты ее забрал с острова?
Right, I'll take them off your hands now, Mr. Stone.
Я заберу их у вас, мистер Стоун.
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took them offраздевайся

Take them off.
Take it off, quick!
Раздевайся, быстро!
Come on, honey, take it off.
Раздевайся, крошка!
Take it off.
Take them off, you'll get sober.
Раздевайся, протреэвеешь.
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took them offубери

Tanya, take it off!
Таня, убери!
I say take it off him!
I was going to ask you to take it off.
Я хотел, чтобы ты убрал его.
Can I take it off, now?
Могу я убрать это?
Take her off the flight deck!
Уберите ее из кабины экипажа!
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