took a bullet to the — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «took a bullet to the»

took a bullet to theполучил пулю в

Took a bullet to the stomach and the thigh, hitting his femoral artery.
Получил пулю в живот, которая попала в артерию.
He apparently took a bullet to the head.
По-видимому, он получил пулю в голову.
I took a bullet to the chest, Carlton.
Я получил пулю в грудь, Карлтон.
since when did you start smoking? Since Derek took a bullet to the chest.
— С тех самых, как Дерек получил пулю в грудь.
A hospital porter reckons he took a bullet to the heart that was blocked by a mobile phone.
Дежурный в больнице сказал, что тот получил бы пулю в сердце, если бы не мобильник.