hit me as hard as you can — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «hit me as hard as you can»

hit me as hard as you canты ударила по ней изо всех сил

Hit me as hard as you can.
Ударь со всей силы.
Come on, hit me as hard as you can.
Давайте же, ударьте меня со всей силы.
Hit me as hard as you can.
Ударь меня со всей силы.
Hit it as hard as you can.
Нужно, чтобы ты ударила по ней изо всех сил.

hit me as hard as you canударь меня так сильно

Hit me as hard as you can.
Ударь меня так сильно, как только сможешь.
I want you to hit me as hard as you can.
Ударь меня так сильно, как только сможешь.
I hit you as hard as I can.
Я ударил так сильно, как мог.

hit me as hard as you canбей изо всех сил

Hit me as hard as you can.
Бей со все силы.
Hit me as hard as you can.
Бей изо всех сил.

hit me as hard as you can — другие примеры

If they've been hurt, we have to press the advantage and hit them as hard as we can.
Если им был нанесен урон, мы обязаны воспользоваться этим и ударить вновь.
I want you to hit me as hard as you can.
Дай мне по морде.
— I want you to hit me as hard as you can.
Дай мне по морде изо всех сил.
As hard as he can? Why don't I hit him as hard as I can?
Это Лорс Лаури?
Chuck, please. I want you to hit me as hard as you can.
Ударь меня как можно сильнее.
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