пройдёмте с нами — перевод на английский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «пройдёмте с нами»

пройдёмте с намиcome with us

— Пожалуйста, пройдемте с нами.
Please come with us.
— Давайте-ка, пройдемте с нами.
— Come on, come with us.
Пройдемте с нами, пожалуйста.
Come with us, please.
Доктор Модески, пожалуйста, пройдёмте с нами.
Dr. Modeski, please come with us.
— Сэр, пройдемте с нами, пожалуйста.
Sir, come with us, please.
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пройдёмте с намиif you'll come with us

Мадам, пройдемте с нами...
Madam, if you'll come with us.
Пройдемте с нами.
If you'll come with us.
Доктор Бенсон, пройдемте с нами. В чем дело?
Dr. Benson, if you'll come with us...
Пройдемте с нами, пожалуйста.
If you'll come with us, please.
Сэр, пройдемте с нами.
Sir, if you'll come with us...
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пройдёмте с намиwe need you to come with us

Сэр, пройдёмте с нами.
Sir, we need you to come with us.
Пройдемте с нами.
We need you to come with us.
Пройдёмте с нами.
We need you to come with us.
Пройдемте с нами.
You need to come with us.
Пройдёмте с нами.
You need to come with us.
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пройдёмте с намиplease come with us

Пройдёмте с нами.
Please come with us.
Пройдемте с нами.
Please come with us.
Пройдёмте с нами.
Please come with us
Ваша Светлость, пройдёмте с нами в Инспекцию.
My Lady, please come with us to the Office of Investigations.
Пройдемте с нами.
Will you please come with us? — Certainly.