were walking in the woods — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «were walking in the woods»

were walking in the woodsгуляли в лесу

I mean, they would have been on the trail, if you're walking in the woods at night.
В смысле, они должны были идти по тропе, если гуляли по лесу ночью.
«We were walking in the woods and you stopped and held my belt...»
«Мы гуляли в лесу, вы остановили меня, придержав за ремень...»

were walking in the woodsя иду по лесу

I'm walking in the woods, carrying a body.
Я иду по лесу и несу тело.
I was walking in the woods, I don't know why.
Я иду по лесу, не знаю зачем.

were walking in the woods — другие примеры

And if you can aspire to be walking in the woods with your kids After they've made it as far as we've made it ... then ... I think you've done the right thing.
И если ты будешь гулять по лесу со своими детьми, когда они будут в твоем возрасте, значит, я думаю, ты все сделал правильно.
I was walking in the woods, and then I tripped and my gun went off.
Я шла по лесу. споткнулась и ружьё выстрелило.
Only one set of bullets in Lobos, but he was walked in the woods by two men, two sets of footprints.
В Лобоса стрелял один человек, а вели его по болоту двое. Судя по следам.