were driven out — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «were driven out»

were driven outизгнали

I will see that she is driven out of the Citadel. Come.
Я прослежу, чтобы ее изгнали из Цитадели.
We were suspected of being responsible for the raid and were driven out of Satsuma.
А на нас повесили всю ответственность, и изгнали из Сацума-хан.
So you were driven out of Constantinople by the Turks.
Значит из Константинополя вас изгнали турки.
You were driven out by the Turks.
Турки изгнали вас.
But evil must first be confronted before it can be driven out.
Но ему нужно противостоять, прежде чем его изгнать.
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were driven outпока ехал

We're driving out to give it a try.
Мы едем его попробовать.
She was driving out to identify your body, and, for some reason, she changed her mind.
Она ехала на опознание твоего тела, и, по какой-то причине, передумала.
Yeah, but he's driving out on his own. I think he needed time to clear his head. See.
Да, он едет сам на машине.
If you're driving out here at 70 miles an hour and a deer darts out in front of you, if you blink or brake or swerve shit, you'll just kill yourself.
Когда едешь со скоростью 120, и на дорогу выскакивает олень,.. ...если вмажешь по тормозам или свернёшь -ты уже не жилец.
I'm driving out here, there's nobody on the road.
Пока ехал, не встретил ни одной машины.

were driven outвыезжаем

Actually, they were driving out so that we could be together for Thanksgiving.
На самом деле, они выезжали, чтобы мы могли провести день Благодарения вместе.
We're driving out to the site.
Мы выезжаем на полигон.
They're driving out of the car park
Они выезжают с автостоянки.
I meant to tell you he was driving out.
Я хотел сказать он выезжает.
We're driving out for the last water collection.
Мы выезжаем на последний сбор воды.