was in the newspaper — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «was in the newspaper»

was in the newspaperбыло в газетах

Yes, I remember. It was in the newspapers.
Это было в газетах.
It was in the newspapers and everything.
Это было в газетах и всё такое.
That was in the newspaper.
Это было в газетах.
— It was in the newspapers, wasn't it?
Это было в газетах, кажется.
It was in the newspaper.
Это было в газете.
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was in the newspaperписали во всех газетах

Oh, it was in the newspaper then.
— Об этом писали в газетах!
It was in the newspaper too.
Об этом и в газетах писали.
If it had gone well, it would have been in the newspapers.
об этом писали бы в газетах.
It was in the newspaper.
Даже в газетах писали.
It was in the newspapers, it was all over the press
Об этом писали во всех газетах.