was a spurt — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «was a spurt»

was a spurt — другие примеры

It's spurting all over
— Ты всё забрызгал! — Ну и что?
--It was the strangest thing I ever saw. There wasn't a single sword cut on it, but blood was spurting out of his eyes, ears, and every other orifice when he died.
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I gotta admit, there was a spurt or two, to get the scent in the air, to get that friend of yours to come running.
Правда... раза два кровь била фонтаном. Я сделал это нарочно... Чтобы позвать сюда... твоего дружка.
Blood was spurting out of his throat... and Doc was doing everything he could.
Кровь хлестала у него из горла, и Док делал всё, что мог.
It's spurting!
Бьёт струёй!