there are no prints — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «there are no prints»

there are no printsникаких отпечатков

There were no prints, no fibers.
Никаких отпечатков, никаких волокон.
Throats were slit, there were no prints, No murder weapons, all
перерезаны горла, никаких отпечатков, никакого оружия, всё...
Well, there's no prints or trace evidence.
Никаких отпечатков или других следов.
There's no prints.
Никаких отпечатков.
Not exactly. There were no prints on the outside of the ear com, but I pulled a partial fingerprints from the button battery inside.
На самом наушнике отпечатков не было, но я снял частичный отпечаток с батарейки внутри.
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there are no printsнет отпечатков

There are no prints on the weapon, but there was a minute concentration of dried blood on the upper-back area of the grip.
На оружии нет отпечатков, но на верхней задней части рукояти была крошечная частица высохшей крови.
There were no prints on the murder weapon.
Нет отпечатков на орудии убийства.
There's no prints on the kiln.
Нет отпечатков на печи.
Well, there were no prints left in Pete's car.
Но в машине Пита нет отпечатков.
And there's no prints been left on the wheel.
И на руле нет отпечатков.
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