team is gathering — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «team is gathering»

team is gathering — другие примеры

The search team is gathering in the main tunnel.
Поисковой команде собраться в главном тоннеле.
Vince Masuka and his team are gathering DNA, prints, and dental records.
Винс Масука и его команда собирают ДНК, отпечатки и слепки зубов.
The team is gathering in St. Antoine.
Группа собирается в Сент-Антуане.
He needed four yards, he got five and this crowd, his whole team is gathering around and congratulating him, hitting him on the head, there isn't a person sitting down. He got the 1,863 pretty early in the game.
Он достиг 1,863 еще в начале игры.