tarou — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода слова «tarou»


And Tarou also became a dragon that protects the Lake Towada way over there.
А Таро, вслед за Тацуко, стал драконом-хранителем озера Товада.
She was in love with a man named Tarou.
Она любила юношу по имени Таро.
And Tarou also became a dragon that protects Lake Towada way over there.
А Таро, вслед за Тацуко, стал драконом-хранителем озера Товада.
there's no need to worry. {\alphaHFF}so we were able to identify him as Matsui Tarou. so we were able to identify him as Matsui Tarou.
и мы опознали его как Матсуи Таро.

tarou — другие примеры

I'm the only one who's realized that «Matsui Tarou» is a fake name!
что имя «Матсуи Таро» вымышленное!