she was strangled to death — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «she was strangled to death»

she was strangled to deathона была задушена

She was strangled to death, about six hours ago.
Она была задушена, около шести часов назад.
She was strangled to death.
Она была задушена.
She was strangled to death with a cord of some sort.
Она была задушена каким-то шнуром.
But, based on the fracture to her neck, I'm going to say she was strangled to death.
Но, судя по перелому шеи, я бы сказал, что она была задушена.
He didn't die from the beating, he was strangled to death.
Он умер не от ударов, он был задушен.

she was strangled to deathеё задушили

Judging by the bruising on the neck, she was strangled to death.
Судя по синякам на шее её задушили.
She was strangled to death.
Ее задушили.
Janet Pagent was 25 years old when she was strangled to death and dumped on those same rocks, Eve.
Жанет Пейджент было 25 лет, когда её задушили и бросили на те же самые камни, Ева.
She was strangled to death while on a yacht belonging to Pete Peters' company.
Ее задушили на яхте, принадлежащей компании Пита Питерса.
And he was strangled to death.
И его задушили.