live within one's means — перевод на русский
Варианты перевода словосочетания «live within one's means»
live within one's means — жить по средствам
Meanwhile, Mom taught Grandma how to live within their means.
Тем временем, мама учила бабулю, как жить по средствам.
You guys are just gonna have to live within your means.
И вам, ребята, придется жить по средствам.
You should learn to live within your means.
Ты должен научиться жить по средствам.
or even the writers' strike couldn't deter Tobias from his dream, the suicide of his ruined and despondent agent certainly could. I believe he died as a warning, in a way, his message perhaps to live within our means and be realistic about our lives.
Его смерть — это урок всем нам, предостережение — жить по средствам и смотреть на жизнь реально.
The chauffeur's the only one who can't live within his means.
Шофер единственный, кто не может жить по средствам.
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