he had a bruise on his face — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «he had a bruise on his face»

he had a bruise on his faceу него был синяк на лице

The clerk said he had a bruise on his face.
Но портье сказал, что у него был синяк на лице.
Okay, he had a bruise on his face.
Да, у него был синяк на лице.
He has bruising on his face and defensive wounds on his hands.
На лице синяки, а на руках оборонительные раны .
Did she have a bruise on her face?
У неё был синяк на лице?

he had a bruise on his face — другие примеры

Hey, why don't you have bruises on your face?
Эй, почему у тебя на лице нет синяков?