ask him to have a look at — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «ask him to have a look at»

ask him to have a look atпопросили меня взглянуть на

I asked him to have a look at the inner workings of the Atherton Foundation. Well, did he find anything?
Я попросил его взглянуть на работу фонда Атертона.
His lawyers asked me to have a look at him because after his deeds were done... he climbed into the trees of the forest where he killed her... and howled like a dog.
Адвакаты попросили меня взглянуть на него. После совершенного им убийства, он стал забираться на деревья возле места преступления и как собака лаял.

ask him to have a look at — другие примеры

Tomorrow we'll go to see him, ask him to have a look at the boy.
Завтра мы навестим его, попросим посмотреть мальчика.