and they came to the — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «and they came to the»

and they came to theи пришли на

And Abraham rose up early in the morning and clave the wood for the burnt offering and they came to the place where God had told him.
Авраам встал рано утром и... наколол дров для всесожжения... и пришли на место, о котором сказал ему Бог.
On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place and they came to the place where God had told him.
На третий день Авраам возвел очи свои и увидел то место... и пришли на место, о котором сказал ему Бог.
How about that? Chief engineer in a factory and he comes to us.
Главный инженер завода, и то к нам пришел.
During my many sleepless nights, I've been thinking, and I came to the conclusion that we're no match for each other.
Я дoлгo размышляла вo время бессoнных нoчей и пришла к вывoду, чтo мы не пoдхoдим другдругу.
«And it came to pass after the plague that the Lord spake...»
«И пришел он после чумы. И сказал Господь...»
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