't had the honour of — перевод на русский

Варианты перевода словосочетания «'t had the honour of»

't had the honour ofне имела чести

Senor Mr Morgan, I haven't had the honour of being introduced to you, but I'm very happy for your miraculous rescue.
Ах, сеньop, мистеp Мopган, я не имел чести быть пpедставлен вам.
Though I haven't had the honour of your presence for three years.
Хотя вот уже три года я не имела чести вас видеть.

't had the honour of — другие примеры

I didn't have the honour of killing Bordier, but I'll blow up his distillery!
Я не смог убить Бордье, но я взорву его ромовый завод.